Brutal Knights

Brutal Knights spit surging power and scathing attitude at 100mph, converse with their ability to swagger at a bludgeoning pace. Fear not, all you new-wave-lengthers '” if you are too unsure to throw the word 'œpunk'? at your friends, Brutal Knights maintain a rough rock'n'roll rooting that co-mingles so very famously with their aggressive punk noise.

How did you get together as a band? John: Me and Matt had a band going and Nick wanted to sing and Katie and Daniella joined because they wanted to fuck Nick.

No doubt you will receive endless comparisons to Teen Crud Combo based on your musical style AND vocalist. How do you feel about living in that shadow? Nick: In Dungeons and Dragons, shadows are one of the most powerful types of undead. We've lost two levels of experience already because the shadows succeeded in hitting us. John: Who cares what people say? Everyone is a horrible music journalist cunt-face. It's all just lines in the sand. Fuck scene divisions, dude. Punx and thrashers, skins and skaters, we're all the same.

A lot of you have come from other bands, specifically hardcore bands, and BK seems to be taking a different direction. Do you have any interest in what your contemporaries are doing? Nick: It's been great watching Grim Skunk evolve into musicians. Downloading mash-ups is also a hobby of mine. Katie: Who are our contemporaries?

What is your favourite drug and best trip? John: Vegan/straightedge. Katie: I don't do drugs. Nick: Japanese exchange trip, summer '92. Daniella: I'm not a wastoid. I just like to party.

How does BK play against the rest of Wavelength type bands? Katie: None of the members are in Broken Social Scene.

Plans for OCT. 31 gig? All: Get drunk, eat shit, fuck around.

NICK, YOU DABBLE IN D&D NERDERY, BUT ARE YOU INTO REAL-TIME OCCULTISM? Nick: I've considering seeing the Medieval Baebes play at one time. '” BY JONAH & MIKE OF F.U.