Wavelength 448: mein, electroluminescent, Fire Hydrant, the Unsettlers (Montreal)

Wavelength Series

Sunday, February 1st 2009


12am — mein (hypnotic trippy Black Rebel Motorcyclesque spacerock) — www.myspace.com/meinblues

11pm — electroluminescent (sparse Hamiltonian telephonelectronica with lush crests of "svooshhhh") — www.myspace.com/electroluminescent

10pm — Fire Hydrant (the square root of Mellonova + Spiritualized to the power of Pixies) — www.myspace.com/firehydrantmusic

930pm —The Unsettlers (10 piece Montrealers performing funeral dirges for the living) — www.myspace.com/theunsettlers

+ DJ Geeday