Wavelength 451: The Rural Alberta Advantage, Poppyseed and the Love Explosion Orchestra, Jason Kenemy's UpSideDownTown

Wavelength Series

Sunday, February 22nd 2009


12am — The Rural Alberta Advantage (big rolling badland hills of head-smashed-in-buffalo-jumps) — www.myspace.com/theraa

11pm — Poppyseed and the Love Explosion Orchestra (long awaited CD release for Sedated Sundays guru) — http://archive.groovy.net/poppyseed/index.html

10pm — Jason Kenemy's UpSideDownTown (what would happen if Glenn Gould spent a year in an ashram) — www.myspace.com/jasonkenemymusic

930pm — The Schomberg Fair (when they're really into it you can't even hear the country under the punk) — www.myspace.com/theschombergfair

+ DJ Music Is The Enemy