Wavelength 464 — "Remember Toronto II: Bands Reunited" w/ Grasshopper + The Electric Shoes + Kat Rocket + Tigerbomb

Wavelength Series

Sunday, May 24th 2009


Sunday May 24 • Wavelength 464
"Remember Toronto II: Bands Reunited"

(1991-96 / “Born Loser,” “Novocain,” “Downlow” … G-hoppa brings back the bong hit parade)

The Electric Shoes
(2000-04 / Steve Shoe & friends bring back the fuzz & bubblegum)

Kat Rocket
(1993-2001 / Stella Panacci, Darren Donaghey & friends play “Slacker Boy Blue” and other popular favourites)

(1995-2003 / Doc Pickles & some guys he met had a lot of fun with a 4-track)

+ DJ Snake Vomit & the Half-Digested Possum