WL 479 — Jordaan Mason & the Horse Museum, Chang A Lang + The Ex doc film screening!

Wavelength Series

Sunday, September 6th 2009

Sunday Sept 6 - WL 479


Jordaan Mason & the Horse Museum (indie folk orchestra) - http://www.myspace.com/jordaanmason @ 12

Chang A Lang ('60s girl group garage good times) - http://www.myspace.com/changalangband @ 11

THE EX - "The Convoy Tour" 25th Anniversary Documentary Film Screening @ 9:30pm sharp!! (psych up for The Ex & Getatchew Mekuria the following week! Tickets on sale @ WL!)


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Jordaan Mason & the Horse Museum - Bird's Nest by wavelengthtoronto

Chang A Lang - Ruth by wavelengthtoronto

Wavelength music series
Every Sunday (since February 2000)
Venue: Sneaky Dee's, 431 College St.
Doors 9pm
Admission: Pay what you can (suggested $5-$10)
Projections by General Chaos Visuals
With your host, Doc Pickles.