Wavelength 495 — Bahamas, Parks & Rec, Great Aunt Idea

Wavelength Series

Sunday, January 10th 2010

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Sunday January 10 — Wavelength 495



12am — Bahamas w/ Afie Jurvanen (Toronto)

Purveyors of: Love songs for the vacation-starved

File next to: Feist, Great Lake Swimmers, that Tropicalia comp

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11pm —  Parks & Rec (Toronto)

Purveyors of: Love songs for night-drifting urban planners

File next to: Rock Plaza Central, Wilco, Jim O’Rourke



10pm —  Great Aunt Ida (Toronto / Vancouver)

Purveyors of: Love songs for rustic dreamers

File next to: Low, Lois, Veda Hille, The Beans



9:30pm — Proof of Ghosts feat. Steve Shoe (Toronto)

Purveyors of: Love songs for the demon hordes

File next to: Black metal, sea shanties, Big Star


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@ The Garrison, 1197 Dundas St. W.
9pm • PWYC ($5-$10 suggested)
With Host Doc Pickles & Lighting by General Chaos Visuals

January 10, 24 & 31, 2010 programmed by Jonny Dovercourt
Jan. 17, 2010 programmed by Lauren Schreiber
February 7, 2010 programmed by Doc Pickles  


Wavelength 495 by wavelengthtoronto
