Wrong Hole, Lee Paradise, Several Futures, Shrines @ Handlebar

Wavelength Series

Saturday, September 27th 2014

Wavelength Presents:

Douse the tires in gas and burn off on a hellish joyride. Trashcan crash, pummel drum skull smash. Lyrics spew like demon-spawn kindergarten homework, horror-trip vocals wretch, gravel guitars motor hard. (Members of Teenanger, Brutal Knights, Deadly Snakes, Comet Control, Quest For Fire)

Rare performance by Dan Lee's pimp-punk project. Got that Dirty Beaches menace. Dank, rank distillation of a 4am bike ride through a weird neighbourhood. Sun's coming up, you're coming down, gotta dance anyway. (Member of Hooded Fang, Phedre, Tonkapuma, Hut)

Slacker-punk with a shot of NoMeansNo and a mouthful of Slint. Shouts n' string slashes, guttural sledges of sound. Avalanche alchemy setting fire to posterity. (Members of Republic of Safety, This Mess, Danger Bay)

A filthy construction with post-hardcore edges, reaching into the the night sky of Sonic Youth. Busted up riffs and jagged kit cliffs.

+ DJ Spit Shine (HSY)
++ Visuals by Analog Preservation Network

Saturday, September 27
(159 Augusta Ave.)
Doors @ 9:00PM / $8


Who, or what is Shrines? Good question. Shrines is a fad group of four young men of Toronto, pre-creating the DIRSEST noise of 2016 before you've even heard of it. They love fun and they sure as horse love having fun. Thanks for classic rockin’ out slick an’ solid with us my main party man. Here’s to you lovely sickos out there just waitin’ for a bad funk to come over ya.

Several Futures
Several Futures is a new Toronto-based musical project that came together in early 2014. Matthew Nish-Lapidus (guitar, vocals), Jonny Dovercourt (bass, vocals), and Evan Davies (drums, vocals) have worked together in previous projects including Hybrid Moments, Republic of Safety, and This Mess, but never together in this format. The aim of the project is to explore collaborative songwriting in the context of the classic post-punk power trio, eg. Hüsker Du, the Minutemen, NoMeansNo. The band’s debut six-song EP, Narrative Collapse (tape & download) will be released at Wavelength on Sept. 27th.

Lee Paradise
Lee Paradise is a little project/record by Daniel Lee. It was recorded in 2013 and now has a live band incarnation. Based in Toronto!

Wrong Hole
In 2012, Wrong Hole ’formed’ as an excuse for singer/lyricist Nick Flanagan and guitarist/drum programmer Andrew Moszynski to meet up and eat pizza while quizzically looking at musical instruments before going their separate ways. After about a year of this incredibly satisfying process, and (shockingly) the completion of a few songs, Jon “Shoutin’ ” Schouten came into the picture, bearing keyboard. His OK-with-nonsense attitude and Jack Nicholsonesque “Joi De Vivre” forced Nick and Andrew to actually put some effort in. This collective pooling of enthusiasm resulted in Wrong Hole’s debut LP 2012, described by none other than nobody as “an 8 song tour-de-farts”. The album was released digitally in June 2014 and physical copies can now be ordered through Pleasence Records in North America, and P-Trash/Cut The Cord/Prugelprinz in Europe.

Some background: Moszynski is known for drumming in late ‘90s garage rock neo-pioneers the Deadly Snakes, and has recently massaged guitar strings in hazy hashish-fueled psych warriors Quest For Fire and now Comet Control, while Schouten is best known for guitar-blasting all who dare in his garage-kraze-EDM group Teenanger and running respected label Telephone Explosion, while Flanagan sang in uncontrollably stupide emo-caveman-90s-hardcore vintageers Brutal Knights. What does any of that mean? It means that Wrong Hole is a colossally dumb mixture of straight-up punk, garage and vague “weirdness.” It’s a new genre called Lean Punk, not because the songs are thin, but because each member has to lean down to deal with a bunch of musical bullshit. Nick has a Memory Man vocal effects box to deal with, Andrew handles (Handrews?) the drum machine, and Jon is just trying to figure what the keyboard he’s using does, as he has many keyboards and they are all different and confusing.

Flanagan’s lyrics in previous bands have always been a source of audience interest – there was even an article about it once that has since been completely erased from the Internet. Lyrically, 2012 covers the major events of the 21st century: HDTVs, the slow domination of our species by dogs (as predicted in the prescient film Battlefield: Earth), the fact that the “We Generation” is getting older and must have a legacy, and most importantly, Wrong Hole aren’t afraid to ask the question that is on all of our minds: What is a car? Is it a man? Is it a machine?