Halifax Pop Explosion: Un Blonde, Most People, Moon @ Gus' Pub (Halifax) - 2PM, FREE!

Wavelength Series

Saturday, October 25th 2014

Wavelength and Halifax Pop Explosion present:

UN BLONDE (Montreal) - 4:00PM
MOST PEOPLE (Toronto) - 3:00PM
MOON (Halifax) - 2:00PM
(Please Note: Heaven for Real are now playing the nighttime showcase at Gus' Pub!)

Saturday, October 25
@ Gus' Pub (2605 Agricola St.)

Halifax, NS

2:00PM Matinee
FREE admission!


Wavelength is sending our beloved Artist Incubator duo Most People down east on the Trans Canada to represent T.O. at the annual Halifax Pop Explosion, the last stop of our 2014 "Summer" Festival Showcase Tour. They'll be joined by two of HFXs coolest underground bands, out-rockers Heaven for Real and krautrock krew Moon (UPDATE: Heaven for Real are now playing the nighttime showcase at Gus' Pub, and will be replaced by Montreal's Un Blonde), at this free afternoon show at east coast indie mecca, Gus' Pub. Haligonians can also catch Most People the night before, Friday Oct. 24, opening for Twin Shadow and Mozart's Sister!

About the Halifax Pop Explosion

HPX is the Halifax Pop Explosion, an international music festival and
conference that presents 200 bands in 20 venues over 5­ days to over
30,000 fans and industry delegates from around the world, in charming East Coast capital, Halifax, Nova Scotia.

The first Halifax Pop Explosion was held in September 1993 and was
the brainchild of Halifax music impresario Peter Rowan and legendary
Halifax promoter Greg Clark. Greg bowed out after the first year to
focus on the Birdland Cabaret, and the festival continued to grow with
the assistance of artist manager Angie Fenwick, and later with the help
of Shelly McPhail. This internationally acclaimed festival drew
accolades in Halifax, Canada and around the world.

Circumstances dictated that the festival be re­launched in 1996 as
Halifax On Music. The festival operated for a further four years,
improving on the concept, and drawing further national and international
interest. The festival became a pivotal event on the east coast and a
centerpiece and celebration for the music community in Halifax and the
Maritimes. Operated by Angie Fenwick, Cinnamon Toast and Murderecords
kingpin Colin MacKenzie, fellow Murderecords employee Marc Brown and No
Records founder Waye Mason, the Festival ran successfully for the
remainder of the 90’s. However, the volunteer based, no profit, no
sleep, unsung glory model put a lot of stress on the principle
organizers, and in 2000 no festival was held.

The Halifax Pop Explosion was re­launched in 2001 under the original name, by Waye Mason, as a not-­for-­profit association.

While a cast of hundreds supports the presentation of the festival
every year, mentions need to be made of the standout support of past
volunteers and/or Board members Melissa Buote, Sara Spike, Steve
Lutwick, Ben Pearlman, Chris Parsons and Kasia Weiczorek.

With much love, the festival was able to re-­establish itself as one
of Canada’s most important music, digital and cultural events. An East
Coast party not to be missed.