WL 486: Stop! Die! Resuscitate!, Danger Bay, Terror Lake, J.R. Hill (Winnipeg)

Wavelength Series

Sunday, October 25th 2009

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WL 486 Sunday October 25:
J.R. HILL 930pm

Wrap party for the Music Gallery's X AVANT New Music Festival


Stop! Die! Resuscitate! (Oh! Wow! The Gloom! So! Big! Me! Feel! So! Small! Unfarmiliar! Records!) http://www.myspace.com/stopdieresuscitate (Midnight - ?)

Danger Bay (Jonny Dovercourt’s gone all smart and sassy, mathpunked and classy) http://www.myspace.com/dangerbay (11pm)

Terror Lake (seriously, be safe around the water kids, for reals, water’s a killer) http://www.myspace.com/terrorlake (10pm)

J.R. Hill (Winnipeg, twisted as the Assiniboine river) http://www.myspace.com/goldenhog (930pm)

Nota! If you're interested in attending other shows at the Music Gallery's fantastic X AVANT New Music Festival, please see their website. Highly recommended bunch of shows that runs from Wednesday October 21 to Sunday October 25 at various venues around the city, anchored by the beautiful St. George The Martyr church.

Wavelength music series, every Sunday (since February 2000)
Venue: The Garrison 1197 Dundas Street West.
Doors 9pm
Admission: Pay what you can (suggested $5-$10)

Projections by General Chaos Visuals. With your host, Doc Pickles. Wavelength is programmed by Jonny Dovercourt, Ryan McLaren, Kevin Parnell, and Doc Pickles, Oct 2009 programmed by DP. http://www.wavelengthtoronto.com