WL483: Wavelength's housewarming party at the Garrison featuring Home Video

Wavelength Series

Sunday, October 4th 2009

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WL483 Sunday October 4: Wavelength’s Housewarming Party at the Garrison!


Home Video



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WL483 Sunday October 4: Wavelength’s Housewarming Party at the Garrison!


Home Video (Brooklyn via New Orleans “oft-Radiohead-esque-other-times-Pinback-ish sound”) http://www.myspace.com/homevideo (11pm)


Betty Burke (Toronto / Safety) Maggie MacDonald’s awesome new band! makes you happy to feel happy) http://www.myspace.com/bettyburke (10pm)


SherpaFeast (Q: What does performance art sound like to graduates of OCAD and Ninja High School? A: sometimes it involves paper maché) http://www.myspace.com/ninjahighschool (9pm)


Tripping Hazard (crassly beautiful grungely hippiful party with Zappa-tistas) Midnight - ? http://www.myspace.com/trippinghazard


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Wavelength music series, every Sunday (since February 2000)
Venue: The Garrison 1197 Dundas Street West.
Doors 9pm
Admission: Pay what you can (suggested $5-$10)
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Projections by General Chaos Visuals. With your host, Doc Pickles. Wavelength is programmed by Jonny Dovercourt, Ryan McLaren, Kevin Parnell, and Doc Pickles, Oct 2009 programmed by DP. http://www.wavelengthtoronto.com