WL484: Share (Halifax), the GCDC Gang, Rozalind McPhail, Sarah Greene

Wavelength Series

Sunday, October 11th 2009

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WL484 Sunday October 11:

Wavelength 484 will start the audiofeast with appetizing bon bons from the Pickups frontwoman Sarah Greene, who has just returned to Toronto from years of adventures in Halifax, we win on that deal, let's pick up where we left off and start out where we've started from, she will be joined by her dear old new friends

... followed by a kalleidascopic salad by trance inducing heart aflutter futuristic floutist Rozalind MacPhail

... then a heaping main course of slices of tofurkalicious Halifax band Share's new CD Slumping in Your Murals which is currently clogging the arteries of CBC radio 3: 

... followed by some amazing sweet ginger pangenerational roots music, dancing to help your digestion from a band in Oakville I really like called the GCDC gang:


Share (Halifax,  textured, cohesive, Slumping in Your Murals = instant Canadian classic) http://www.myspace.com/andrewsisk (11pm)




Rozalind MacPhail (Victoria -> St John’s troubadour floutist, most beautiful flute on both coasts) http://www.myspace.com/rozalindmacphail (10pm)


Sarah Greene (Toronto via Halifax, frontwoman of the Pickups returns to teh commun toronto!) http://www.myspace.com/thepickupsca (930pm)


The GCDC Gang (Oakville, mighty multigenerational roostrumentalists) http://www.myspace.com/gcdc (Midnight - ?)


DJ Mike Eagles


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Wavelength music series, every Sunday (since February 2000)
Venue: The Garrison 1197 Dundas Street West.
Doors 9pm
Admission: Pay what you can (suggested $5-$10)
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Projections by General Chaos Visuals. With your host, Doc Pickles. Wavelength is programmed by Jonny Dovercourt, Ryan McLaren, Kevin Parnell, and Doc Pickles, Oct 2009 programmed by DP. http://www.wavelengthtoronto.com