Letters -- August, 2004

Dear Wavelength Staff,
Was it a little self-righteous of Jonny Dovercourt to write a review about Cocklength, the stage satire of Wavelength in your July issue? And albeit I didn't see the play and have no relevant opinion on its content, I do think someone else other than your founder and editor should have written the review. Isn't Dovercourt tired of doubling over to suck his own cocklength? Have some integrity, would you?
Dr. Jonathan Homes, Ph.D

Hi Wavelength,
I am a long time reader, but a first time letter writer. (I think that the Letters page is a good idea, thank you so much.) I am very, nay... extremely, impressed with your monthly Compare and Contrast feature by Smokey Campbell. Who the fuck is Smokey Campbell??? Have a nice day,
Cecil B. Demente