Don Cash

Don Cash retired from music policing to become a full-time perpetrator. Since 1997, he's released seven albums, had a profile in Fader magazine and offers from every label in NYC. His music sounds like rap made by a huge rock'n'roll fan. Which isn't far from the truth. Jam Butty asked the questions.

Hey Don, what do you like to do? I'm originally from Brampton, my heritage is Jamaican, but I live in Toronto. I like making rock music, hanging out, watching sports on TV, hanging out with girls, and reading classic works of literature.

And what are you doing right now? Right now I'm looking for a room to rent. It's been a really hectic summer, lots of personal things. I think that every year there's like two or three months where things go super fast, lots of changes, kind of an exciting time. That's where I am right now. I feel like a lot of things are developing for me... which is good, because I've been working a long time. When you're in your late 20s, early 30s, people start growing up. People start dying, getting married...getting divorced.

You feel like you're getting old? How old are you? No, no, part of me is still five years old, part of me is still 16. I don't feel old at all. But there is something to be said for getting older. Look at Bob Dylan, he just released Masked and Anonymous last year. It played in a few Toronto art houses. He starred and wrote in it, it's really great. This wasn't the work of a 25- or 30-year-old, it was coming from a place of maturity. An amazing movie coming from somebody who people want to joke is over the hill! It's pathetic, but that's our society, a cult of youth.

Do you read NME? Have you seen the sort of bands they tout? Seems like every band they write about are 18- and 19-year-olds. I went to the Mod Club last week and saw the worst band ever. They were called The Zutons. It was terrible, sub-Barenaked Ladies, hippy-dippy bullshit. No soul. I can't describe how much I hated them. Of course, the NME loves them. It kills me that critics will love a band like The Zutons and ignore an amazing band like The Beta Band. Ninety percent of all music critics don't know music, though. It's all just talk for dough. I should know, I used to be a critic.

Any shout-outs? The guys in Tangiers. They are real talented, sweet guys. I saw Ninja High School last week, they were really interesting. K-OS, too, who I hung out with last week at a seminar. I'm happy to be part of the good things happening in Toronto. It's something to be proud of.

Anybody else? Any unknowns? There's a rapper from Newark named Saigon. I saw him recently, it was 'œoff the hook,'? as they say. Everyone should also buy the new Beta Band record, Heroes to Zeroes. They're my favourite band, and it's easily the best record this year.

Don Cash recently released a CD with 70 MP3s on it. Pictures and lyrics, too. It's called Heavy Light and you can buy it at Kop's for $12. Listen online at, Don has a page there.