Europe in Colour
By wavelength ~ Posted Monday, January 29th 2007
Europe in Colour play a smooth, synth-touched, danceable pop that simultaneously relaxes and energizes. Their melodies weave into your brainwaves, calming things down, opening your body to EiC’s rhythmic groove. Having not seen the band, Evan Dickson pictured a cadre of impossibly beautiful demi-gods wielding instruments not of this world with preternatural grace. Rebecca Applebaum descended from Olympus to answer his queries.<!--more-->
Introduce your band by instrument or astrological association.
I sings shout, play synths and melodica. Alt plays bass, sings and plays trumpet. Kevin plays drums. Ghalib sings, and plays guitar
A Myspace gentleman named Sean told you, “Do not be Wavelength-weary". What do you think he meant by that?
I think he meant don’t be scared of Wavelength, don’t wear it like tighty-whitey briefs of torment, have faith your shadows will linger on stage for at least thirty seconds after you leave it, and trust that your drunken friends will save you if you embarrass yourselves too much. Yeah, Sean is awesome. We’re friends with him mostly for his handsome, wolf-rugged looks. And because Blood Ceremony is rock and roll’s messianic theatre.
A Wavelength interview is a wonderful opportunity to tell embarrassing stories about your bandmates. Please do so now.
We had some trouble coming up with a name at our inception. At one point we were all pretty certain that we would call ourselves The Interracial Fetish. But then, we were embarrassed. Our mother cried. So we changed our name.
I have noticed that The Ghost is Dancing and its members like to heckle your rhythm section. Please use the space provided to retaliate.
Curse those jackwhats!
Which do you think your music is better for: heartbreaks or heartaches?
The line between an aching and a breaking heart is tenuous; our songs are whatever people hear in them. This is to say, they’re probably great for both!
By Evan Dickson