bill bissett

bill bissett

Purveyor of: making spellcheckers freak right the fuck out.  

I never thought I’d live to see a computer take a seizure.  Sure, I knew it would happen eventually.  Everything always does with computers. 
I just never thought it would happen in my own lifetime, and especially not to my own computer.  It just seems like such a counterproductive function to install. 
But installed it was, when bill bissett’s spelling method collided with my word processor’s automatic spellchecker.   The page bled red squiggly lines from top to bottom as the Microsoft word window shook and blurred, the screen twitched neurotically for a second and then the next thing I knew my laptop was floundering around on the floor.  What the hell do you do when something like that happens?  It’s not like there’s an EpiPen for that sort of thing.
Anyway.  There’s not much more I can say, except that bill owes me a new computer and if this is the interview, I can’t wait to see the show.  Behold:
Your unusual phonetic style of spelling is one of the defining characteristics of your work.  What was your main reason for embracing a style that is almost like your own language?  Do you think that having a standard orthography for English limits it?
main reeson 4 almost phonetik spelling   sew th pome looks as much as possibul as it sounds   ths is poetree  not a handbook  sew  th vizual n th sound 2 me ar veree important   konvensyunal spellign 4 me is way 2 limiting  yes
Do you have more freedom using your method of writing, and do you ever find it limiting in any way? 
yes  th sp approach ium in2  gives me mor freedom  n is opning rathr thn limiting
I just finished reading a Cormac McCarthy book in which he did not use apostrophes, commas or quotation marks unless it was absolutely necessary for the reader’s understanding (only adding an apostrophe to things like “I’ll” so that it was not read as “ill”).  He seemed to be reducing the language to a level of necessity, but he was also disregarding many of the precious few tools a writer has to get their point across.  I found that in many instances it made his writing more direct and in others he was intentionally making things harder on his reader.  At one point I set the book down thinking “What an asshole.  I don’t even know who’s supposed to be talking right now.”

I guess I was both impressed and frustrated.  Does your writing makes things easier or harder for your readers, or does that even enter into your consideration?
th writing approach ium in2 makes events uv konsciousness in th reeding easier 4 th reedr n mor illuminating  regarding ancient n cotemporaree his her storee uv writing  n words 2 xpress  n play with  sources uv reverens  n  play
I’ve heard many people say that popular music with lyrics is the modern poetry, or at least the most widespread and popular incarnation of poetry.  This can be frustrating for someone with an appreciation for poetry itself, since so much of what’s on the radio is so shallow and lacking in true substance.  Generally speaking, the most popular songs are the most marginal ones in terms of content and execution.  What’s your take on this?
ballads  hundrid uv yeers ago wer erlee pop songs uv kours   i don’t think thers anee boiling it all down theree that engayges me  abt marginal etsetera   i like gimmee mor   umbrella ella    th band  seebound   feist  wide eklektik range   back   bartok
Do you find this true of poetry as well?  Do your favourite poets go unnoticed, or does higher-quality work find a wider audience? 
thers no always 4 me in all ths  sum qualitee work gets great acceptans  sum dusint  etsetera   yu know  yu cant reelee call it
How does the way you write influence the way you perform?  Is your pronunciation different in the same way that your spelling is?
uv kours th way i write influenses th reedings  is whollee part uv it   i see my wortk as phonetik
When you perform your own poetry, you make an effort to add visual and sound-driven elements to make a reading a true performance.  How did this develop throughout your career?  Did it come from boredom with traditional coffee-house type poetry readings, or just seeing a chance to make it more interesting and engaging?
letting each pome b itself  regardless  yes  th images in th words each lettr  th words in th images
What can we expect to see at your Wavelength performance?  What do you most hope that people will take away from seeing you perform your poetry? 
yu nevr know what 2 xpekt   b waree uv xpektaysyuns  yes   i hope listrns leev th reeding  as yu ask  with theyr lives   yes

By Dan Taylor