So ... is this the place?

Hi Wavelength website I'm your MC Doc Pickles and I have just figured out how to post content to our website!

Once a long time ago when we were all young and foolish, I guess around 2005, the guy from Devo decided he wanted to become an internet phenomenon and decided to accomplish this feat by becoming a world class blogger. His first post was an unedited hodge-podge of things he felt he should have talked about years ago. The next three or four posts were sad attempts at living up to the original post. The last three or four posts were excuses about why he hasn't completed his post yet. The last few years have been silent.

What is the lesson here? Don't think too much about putting up content or you never will. Get out of your head and get your head into the music and the posts will begin to make sense.

I've been sitting on the content-generation sidelines for years now since I decided to write a Missives From The New World about Chechnya. Think of all the dangling participles and purple prose I've missed out on while waiting for a post that never came! Well now my first post is out of the way and I can resume posting with a point.

Hello first post!