This City Has Much To Offer

As well as celebrating today the birth of Wavelength's founder Jonny Dovercourt, you can also revel in another cultural birth for the city: that of kindred spirit Offerings. The newspaper/zine's first issue has just hit various record stores, music venues, cafes, galleries and other prominent shelf spaces around the city. Inside you'll find curated show listings geared towards the more esoteric musics of our city: the experimental, the noisy, the strange and weird, alongside other shows you just might not have heard about. This is what it looks like when you read it at home:

With music and community messageboard Stillepost dead and buried, Offerings is a great addition to the local scene and should open the ears and eyes of a whole new audience. The group behind it have plans to create a basic website to post the show listings and other content but their focus will remain on the monthly printed newspaper. The first issue has all of June's show listings, short interviews with Hat & Beard, Black Walls and Tropics, a poetic review of CCMC by local word monger Louis Calabro, more standard record reviews and a couple of in-depth interviews with other artists. Seriously, it's eight pages and it's packed with the awesome. So wish Offerings a happy birthday and go pick the first issue today!